Sometimes librarians like to delegate selection of materials to discipline experts. It is possible to export a list and share. Would it be possible to create a more "catalog" style browse with covers where users could be invited to "select"? Libra...
Since new protocols have been established for contacting customer service, have the customer service email automatically populated in the contact field.
I want to be able to delete our outdated eBooks from "eBooks on EBSCOhost" so I can delete ebooks in OCLC.
We need to be able to delete books from the "eBooks on EBSCOhost" database when we get newer editions of medical books, books with multiple editions, etc. Accred. agencies don't like students to access old, outdated materials.
Gobi needs to send edition #s to EDS for the "Gobi Ebook" database
Gobi now maintains its own entire "database" called Gobi Ebooks, in EDS. But it doesn't include the edition #s. Especially in STEM/Med fields, there are lots of editions and patrons often ask for a book by its edition #, not its pub year (along wi...
When titles are not matching parameters, they land on the "approval bookshelf". The title could be sent directly in print or an alert could be sent out. Both isn't possible as yet.
single-click request of multi-user ebooks for backlist titles not available that way
Often we want to be able to buy a license to a multi-user ebook for an older backlist title, perhaps a classic, perhaps just something that somebody wants to use in a course. I'd like to have an option to "request multi-user ebook license" where I...
I often come across titles on the ebook approval bookshelf where I'd like to buy an alternate edition on approval funds. For example, sometimes the edition on the approval bookshelf is unavailable in Canada, but an alt edition ebook is available. ...