This Ideas Portal enables you to share any ideas you have for GOBI, ECM or the upcoming new books ordering platform, as well as vote and comment on any submitted ideas.
Enable ISBN searching in Active DDAs. This would facilitate streamlined weeding of the DDA collection. Currently, when I am removing a title I need to sort through the list. When doing an ISBN search (top search bar), I don't see an intuitive way ...
Library DDA general availability is often confused with local library's DDA program. Better clarification needed as to what the "Library DDA: yes" status means.
Remove perpetual purchases from DDA pool automatically
If we purchase an ebook perpetually, we would like it removed from our DDA pool to prevent paying for the same item twice. Currently we do this manually. It would be great if GOBI could identify and remove these automatically
Give us an email heads up of e-titles to be removed by publisher before they are removed
ProQuest used to do this. Maybe it is contractually disallowed, but if not libraries may want to add or trigger titles before they go away permanently on the EBSCO platform.