This Ideas Portal enables you to share any ideas you have for GOBI, ECM or the upcoming new books ordering platform, as well as vote and comment on any submitted ideas.
When a new edition is available, please include that link in the older edition. Other book vendors include this and it ensures we order the most current edition. especially if a title has changed.
When an ISBN with hyphens is used to search, automatically remove hyphens
In ISBNs hyphens are often used (for example 978-981-19-7160-0). To be able to search by ISBN I have to remove the hyphens manually. With hyphens the result is 'No results were found'. It would be great if the hyphens were removed automatically (e...
Occasionally there are ebooks from EBSCO or ProQuest that do not allow users to download any pages. It would be helpful to have this information somewhere on the Gobi ordering screen.
I would like the system be able to detect Who is responsible for selecting titles for which fund code to avoid accidental selecting "wrong" fund code for a title.
Ability to add notes and "GobiExpress" feature to add information (adding fund code, etc.) to titles in search results rather than only in Select/Order cart
It might be useful to enable users to set up a default sort/filter for their search results on the new ordering platform so they don't have to apply the same filters every time as we do in GOBI. If they are often searching with the same parameters...
In the Gobi platform, being able to see the net and list price totals of selected items would cut down on extra work to make sure funds are not over spent.
Accessibility metadata for selecting: Features books have for readers with print disabilities
I would like to see the accessibility features of the book that is being considered for purchase. For example, is the publisher Global Certified Accessible through Benetech? Does the book have headers? Is it a correctly tagged EPUB?
Mark Weiler
about 1 year ago
in Selection Workflow
Future consideration