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EBSCO Ideas Portal

This Ideas Portal enables you to share any ideas you have for GOBI, ECM or Mosaic, as well as vote and comment on any submitted ideas.


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Showing 12

Delete Material Type Field

A "Material Type" field has recently been added to the "Enter Order Details" box. This field includes such categories as Museum Passes, DVD, Faculty Item, etc. GOBI does not sell Museum Passes or DVDs, so why should a selector have to waste time o...
Guest 6 months ago in Selection Workflow 1 Already exists

Delete Location Field

A new Location field has recently been added that requires selectors to choose the destination of the item within the selector's library. This field serves no useful purpose and should be deleted.
Guest 6 months ago in Selection Workflow 1 Already exists

Need an "Exclude Fiction" filter

There are a lot of Religious publishers who publish both fiction and non-fiction. Most of the time we are only interested purchasing non-fiction titles. It would be much easier to find titles to purchase if fiction could be filtered out.
Guest 12 months ago in Acquisition Workflow 1 Already exists

Make GOBI Invoices searchable by keyword

I would like it if GOBI's account documentation were searchable by keyword. In my library I often want to look back at how something was invoiced by title, eCollection title, or description. Being able to search by keyword would save me time and h...
Guest about 1 year ago in User Interface 1 Already exists

I want to be able to delete our outdated eBooks from "eBooks on EBSCOhost" so I can delete ebooks in OCLC.

We need to be able to delete books from the "eBooks on EBSCOhost" database when we get newer editions of medical books, books with multiple editions, etc. Accred. agencies don't like students to access old, outdated materials.
Jo Shimmin over 1 year ago in eBook Management 1 Already exists

Search by POL

I would like to be able to search for a selection after the order is in by the POL number assigned.
Sharon Whittle over 1 year ago in Acquisition Workflow / User Interface 1 Already exists

Add subject heading filters to search refinement

In addition to the existing ways to refine a search, adding a section for subject headings would be useful to quickly choose or eliminate items that are and are not relevant to the goal of the search.
Sara Carman almost 2 years ago in User Interface 1 Already exists

notify us when an order is cancelled

Please email us when a print or ebook order has been cancelled.
Linda Nilles almost 2 years ago in Acquisition Workflow 1 Already exists

Possibility to expand the single line display to full record

Please add the possibility to expand the single line display for a title to full record view. This way I can browse easily through all titles and also get all information I need when I see an interesting title. Now I have to go to back to brief or...
Susanne van Rijn almost 2 years ago in  3 Already exists

Please add Jewish Studies to your Diversity, Equity & Inclusion by Subject lists.

Given the long, global, and uninterrupted history of anti-Jewish racism, not to mention today's rise in antisemitism world-wide, but especially in the United States, it's strange that you don't have a Jewish studieslist.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Content 2 Already exists