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EBSCO Ideas Portal

This Ideas Portal enables you to share any ideas you have for GOBI, ECM or the upcoming new books ordering platform, as well as vote and comment on any submitted ideas.

Status Already exists
Created by Susanne van Rijn
Created on Feb 25, 2023

Possibility to expand the single line display to full record

Please add the possibility to expand the single line display for a title to full record view. This way I can browse easily through all titles and also get all information I need when I see an interesting title. Now I have to go to back to brief or full item display and search for the title. This costs a lot of time.

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  • Admin
    Jennifer Legier
    Aug 16, 2023

    Hello Susanne!

    I'm sorry you're having trouble with that shortcut. I will ask your Customer Service representative or our GOBI Support Specialist to work with you one on one. You should hear from one of them in the coming days.

    Thank you again.

  • Susanne van Rijn
    Aug 13, 2023

    Dear Jennifer,

    Thank you for your reply. Could you show me how this is done? When I look for titles in Single Line Display, and select one of the results, then press F9, nothing happens.

    Kind regards,


    Van: EBSCO Books Ideas Portal
    Verzonden: vrijdag 21 juli 2023 22:47
    Aan: Rijn, S.C. van (Susanne)
    Onderwerp: Jennifer Legier responded to idea PROD-I-73 Possibility to expand the single line display to full record

  • Admin
    Jennifer Legier
    Jul 21, 2023

    Thank you for sharing your idea!

    One of the keyboard shortcuts that you can use in GOBI allows you to do exactly what your idea is describing:

    • F9 key - Expands and collapses the bibliographic record for the record with focus (indicated by the blue bounding box).

    There are other shortcuts you may also find useful. You can find them in the GOBI Help Topics under Keyboard Shortcuts.