This Ideas Portal enables you to share any ideas you have for GOBI, ECM or the upcoming new books ordering platform, as well as vote and comment on any submitted ideas.
The ECM search profiles made is easier for us to find and purchase ebooks. We do not use GOBI, and the new "book ordering platform" is of no interest. Removing the search profiles will reduce our usage of the platform. I can't imagine why you woul...
Eadmin forces a re-login far too frequently for those of us who are in and out of it several times per day. And often when it times out, it does so very badly, with a corrupted cookie that needs to be cleared in the browser settings before one can...
Institute logo is at top of all pages for Dashboard, but no logo or back button/arrow is on pages for Publications, Concept Map or Supplemental Sources. Is it possible to add this?