This Ideas Portal enables you to share any ideas you have for GOBI, ECM or the upcoming new books ordering platform, as well as vote and comment on any submitted ideas.
I have accidently deleted selections. I selected the delete button, instead of print. My hand is quicker, than my eyes. If there were a delete file. I could have a second chance of restoring the selections, instead of have to go back to the select...
We would like the Order Acknowledgements that are automatically sent to individual users upon completing an order to be sent to multiple email addresses automatically after purchase. We have a number of individuals who need access to this order in...
Gobi Manage Folders sort - either preserve choice within setting or allow us to set default
Within a single Gobi login session, when I sort the Manage Library Folders list, I have to keep re-sorting it every time I follow one of the folders to do some ordering, and then come back to pull the contents of the next folder. And the default s...
Eadmin forces a re-login far too frequently for those of us who are in and out of it several times per day. And often when it times out, it does so very badly, with a corrupted cookie that needs to be cleared in the browser settings before one can...
GOBI: Add Language search parameter to Advanced Search
This is about GOBI, not EBSCO search. The ability to filter search results to Language is in Standard but not Advanced search. I often need the language search parameter combined with options only in Advanced, like Content Level. Please add the La...
There are a lot of Religious publishers who publish both fiction and non-fiction. Most of the time we are only interested purchasing non-fiction titles. It would be much easier to find titles to purchase if fiction could be filtered out.
GOBI Order cancellations email alerts should be able to be sent to the person who selected or ordered the book
GOBI Order cancellations email alerts should be able to be sent to the person who selected or ordered the book in real-time. This is important at my library because each individual selector is responsible for closely tracking their budget allotmen...
Get notification when ebook becomes available when I select a print book of interest
When a publisher releases a new book print only, and I'm only interested in purchasing it as ebook, I want to set some kind of notification on individual titles I am interested in, so that when Gobi gets the ebook, I get emailed telling me it's no...
Add "Exclude titles already owned" from GOBI Add titles by ISBN search
Add a checkbox to "Exclude titles already acquired or on order" from GOBI's "Add titles by ISBN" search. This function is extremely useful in the similar Alternate Formats search. Having it available in Add Titles by ISBN would allow my library to...