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EBSCO Ideas Portal

This Ideas Portal enables you to share any ideas you have for GOBI, ECM or Mosaic, as well as vote and comment on any submitted ideas.

Status Future consideration
Categories eBook Management
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 7, 2023

Allow customization of userdefinedfields when Gobi selects ebook in HLM

Gobi now sends over to EBSCO eadmin HLM the info to "select" the book when purchased. However, the info sent over does not include the particular license model (eg 1U, UU, etc.). We would like to be able to customize this process so that the license information is put into one of the UserDefinedFields in HLM package-titledetails records. Ideally we'd like to be able to customize how it's worded as it will display to patrons, so it shouldn't be an obscure code. For instance, we'd like it to go to UserDefinedField4 and be worded as: "Permanent access for 1 user at the same time" when we purchase a 1U.

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