This Ideas Portal enables you to share any ideas you have for GOBI, ECM or Mosaic, as well as vote and comment on any submitted ideas.
See ER 3517721: Create a portal to add new ER's and vote for the existing ones
"The Gobi division of EBSCO has this excellent Ideas Portal -
My request is that EBSCO Information Services also uses this portal - either mixed in with that one, or another instance for this unit, and put all of the open Enhancement Requests in there and allow us to add new ones and vote on existing ones just like we can with that Gobi Portal.
There's too much going on with New UI and feature migrations that are being treated as enhancement requests for us customers to know what we should know about.
Also it will save your staff a lot of time. In the last week, I've submitted several enhancement requests regarding NewUI only to be told there was already one for the same issue and that I've been ""joined"" to it. Your staff wouldn't have had to deal with that case if I could have found it myself in a Portal and just added my Vote to it. It also would have saved me the time of writing up the whole description and submitting the new case about something you already knew about from another customer."