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EBSCO Ideas Portal

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Status Future consideration
Categories eBook Management
Created by Heidi Jahnsen
Created on Dec 19, 2023

eBook Manager: more options to refine search, and export result lists

We have the following suggestions for improvement of the eBook Manager interface:

  1. An option to refine search by titles that have "Copies reserved for online use".

  2. Currently, it's possible to refine search by "Title-level download settings". We would also like the option to display titles that don't have title-level settings.

  3. Display the title-level download settings in the result list instead of clicking every single title to see the settings.

  4. Export result lists in Excel (including information about the title-level download settings).

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Michael Woodring
    Jan 12, 2024

    Hi, @Guest ! Yes, we have exporting lists as an eventual enhancement for eBook Manager. We don't have it on our immediate roadmap, but it is functionality that we want to include.

  • Heidi Jahnsen
    Jan 3, 2024

    Thank you so much for considering our ideas, and also for clarifying the display options.

    Regarding exporting the result list, CSV format is fine. We’re able to export from My collection, but there is no export icon present from My lists – which we use quite a bit. Would it be possible to implement the export button under My lists as well?

  • Admin
    Michael Woodring
    Dec 21, 2023

    Thank you for your suggestions! I will add your first two, along with adding title-level download settings to the export file, to our list of enhancements. For the third item -- displaying title-level download settings in the result list at once -- you can do this already.

    Three drop-down menus are at the top of the result list. The first menu is for the maximum number of results on a search page (default is 20). The second menu, as a default, displays "Simple view." This option shows the more streamlined view of the search results. If you change this option to "Expanded view," all of your search results will expand to show their extra information, including the title-level download settings. You can toggle back and forth between these choices.

    For your Excel suggestion, the reason why we chose CVS as the download format is because Excel spreadsheets have a row limit -- slightly over 1 million. That is a lot of rows! However, many of our eBook subscriptions number in the hundred of thousands of titles. If a library has many subscriptions and chooses to export their entire holdings, there is a possibility that they wouldn't be able to export all of their holdings. We wanted to ensure that could cover all of a library's holdings. However, maybe in the future, we could offer both options.

    Thank you again!