Full text search of eBooks available to find the titles students need
I have often been looking for eBooks containing a particular concept and will not find a title using the currently limited search. I have needed to go to Google Books, search full text there, and then come back to see if the eBooks found are avail...
Our accounts payable department requires a very specific file naming structure. If GOBI could deliver the PDFs with a customizable filename, it would save us from having to rename every single file.
about 1 year ago
in Invoicing
Future consideration
Gobi use of "subscribed" for OA collection confusing, change to more accurate phrase
Gobi has recently started using the "library activity" link "Subscribed [date]" on ebooks that are not in fact part of a paid subscription but in EBSCO's "OA Ebook Collection", which is free. To see an example, if you have selected that package in...
Auto upgrades should automatically purchase an unlimited licence or the most liberal licence where available rather than gradually moving up through the licence options.
Kerry Hadaway
over 1 year ago
in eBook Management
Future consideration
Acquisition workflow when ordering print duplicates of ebooks
Lately I have had to order print copies of ebooks that we own. When the print record finds the print isbn in the FOLIO ebook record, it attaches to the ebook record. It is a lot of work to remove the print isbn BEFORE placing the order in GOBI, an...
GOBI Order cancellations email alerts should be able to be sent to the person who selected or ordered the book
GOBI Order cancellations email alerts should be able to be sent to the person who selected or ordered the book in real-time. This is important at my library because each individual selector is responsible for closely tracking their budget allotmen...
Library DDA sent search results need to include DDA platform selected in output
I use the Library DDA Sent search tool, but when I then want to output the result set, even with tab-delimited Full options, there is no column that tells me which platform among the three in our DDA profile is the one we actually got for that tit...