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EBSCO Ideas Portal

This Ideas Portal enables you to share any ideas you have for GOBI, ECM or the upcoming new books ordering platform, as well as vote and comment on any submitted ideas.

Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 5, 2022

Gobi use of "subscribed" for OA collection confusing, change to more accurate phrase

Gobi has recently started using the "library activity" link "Subscribed [date]" on ebooks that are not in fact part of a paid subscription but in EBSCO's "OA Ebook Collection", which is free. To see an example, if you have selected that package in HLM, look for this book in Gobi: ISBN:9781526126474. Ironically, when I check if that "Subscribed" info is available for books that are actually in a paid EBSCO ebook subscription package (in our case, Academic North America), it is NOT applied to those where it would actually be useful.
My request is to change the library activity label for the OA collection to say something like "OA Collection" and leave the use of the word "Subscribed" to only refer to titles that are currently a part of a licensed/paid subscription.

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