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EBSCO Ideas Portal

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Selection Workflow

Showing 22

Ability to filter, sort, and/or search for titles with reviews.

We base many selection decisions on reviews and it would be helpful to filter searches/lists to include only titles with reviews. (Alternately, sorting reviewed titles to the top of the list would help.) Being able to add "has reviews" as an advan...
Courtney Roman over 1 year ago in Selection Workflow / User Interface 0 Future consideration

When an ISBN with hyphens is used to search, automatically remove hyphens

In ISBNs hyphens are often used (for example 978-981-19-7160-0). To be able to search by ISBN I have to remove the hyphens manually. With hyphens the result is 'No results were found'. It would be great if the hyphens were removed automatically (e...
Judith Gulpers over 1 year ago in Acquisition Workflow / Selection Workflow / User Interface 2 Future consideration

Add description of the book to data displayed

Please provide the publisher's description of the book so I don't have to check the publisher's website to get an idea of what's the book about.
Susanne van Rijn almost 2 years ago in Selection Workflow 0 Future consideration

Allow current List Price default view to change to my country's currency

I'm from Canada but all the prices display for me in USD by default. I'd like this to change, either automatically by GOBI recognizing my country based on my profile, or by me selecting it in my preferences. This would be a huge time-saver.
PG almost 2 years ago in Selection Workflow / User Interface 0 Future consideration

Include links to new editions

When a new edition is available, please include that link in the older edition. Other book vendors include this and it ensures we order the most current edition. especially if a title has changed.
Linda Nilles almost 2 years ago in Selection Workflow / User Interface 1 Future consideration

Share new book covers with potential users

Sometimes librarians like to delegate selection of materials to discipline experts. It is possible to export a list and share. Would it be possible to create a more "catalog" style browse with covers where users could be invited to "select"? Libra...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Selection Workflow 1 Future consideration

LC drop down searching so I don't have to know and enter LC classifications.

I want to be able to see a list of LC classes, click KF to open Law of the United States, scan down the list and click KF2971-3193 to open Intellectual Property Law, etc. Once I've narrowed down my LC class, I should be able to specify that I want...
Ginger Williams almost 2 years ago in Selection Workflow 0 Future consideration

Sort by "Added to list" date

In my lists, I wish I could sort by the date it was added.
Guest about 2 years ago in Selection Workflow 0 Future consideration

Total cost of items ordered per session

It would be good to have a total of the cost of books ordered per ordering session. This would be useful to Selectors who often have broad weekly/monthly expenditure guidelines.
Guest about 2 years ago in  Administrative and User Account Controls / Reporting and Analysis / Selection Workflow 0 Future consideration

List author affiliations in GOBI notifications so we don't have to check them ourselves before deciding whether to purchase.

Useful for librarians who prefer not to purchase titles in their subject areas by authors outside those disciplines.
Guest about 2 years ago in Profiling and Approval Services / Selection Workflow 0 Future consideration