Customized reporting - titles purchased by category
I would like to be able to run expenditure reports by period as well as by Publisher and Subject to have a better sense of which titles we are purchasing and how we are spending our money.
It would be good to have a total of the cost of books ordered per ordering session. This would be useful to Selectors who often have broad weekly/monthly expenditure guidelines.
Each week we search our cancelled orders under "library activity" to update our records and reorder. However, we can only search cancelled orders by an order date range, then manually check the cancellation date of each title. The ability to searc...
Add "Submitted By" & "Initials" to Library Activity Search
Currently, there is no way to generate a report of who submitted orders/selections in GOBI. It would be very useful to have the "Submitted By" and "Initials" fields available in Library Activity Search.
Make GOBI Saved Reports permanently saved instead of expiring after 10 days
Make GOBI Saved Reports permanently saved instead of expiring after 10 days. I want to be able to save particular Expenditure Report parameters that I only need to run once a month or once a semester. The Saved Searches function doesn't auto-delet...
Library DDA sent search results need to include DDA platform selected in output
I use the Library DDA Sent search tool, but when I then want to output the result set, even with tab-delimited Full options, there is no column that tells me which platform among the three in our DDA profile is the one we actually got for that tit...
GOBI Order cancellations email alerts should be able to be sent to the person who selected or ordered the book
GOBI Order cancellations email alerts should be able to be sent to the person who selected or ordered the book in real-time. This is important at my library because each individual selector is responsible for closely tracking their budget allotmen...
More format choices and better file extensions for Gobi open order status reports
Gobi sends us open order status reports with an attachment that ends ".dat". That has no meaning at all to anyone's desktop software and just causes problems. Further, the most common format usable for this kind of data is NOT offered as an option...