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EBSCO Ideas Portal

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Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 7, 2023

Gobi needs to send edition #s to EDS for the "Gobi Ebook" database

Gobi now maintains its own entire "database" called Gobi Ebooks, in EDS. But it doesn't include the edition #s. Especially in STEM/Med fields, there are lots of editions and patrons often ask for a book by its edition #, not its pub year (along with title of course). Right now the Gobi Ebooks "database" doesn't seem to have the edition #s at all, although the EBSCO-provided "Ebook Index" does. So presumably Gobi is failing to provide that metadata to EDS, and I know Gobi has it because it's in their own records on the Gobi platform. So please start including it in the EDS database metadata.

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