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EBSCO Ideas Portal

This Ideas Portal enables you to share any ideas you have for GOBI, ECM or Mosaic, as well as vote and comment on any submitted ideas.


User Interface

Showing 29

Enable easily adding an alternate edition from the drop-down menu

The current alternate edition drop-down list only lists titles; if you want to add one to the cart you have to click into the menu and then select the appropriate title and add it, or click the item's ISBN and to view the individual title and add ...
Sara Carman over 1 year ago in User Interface 0 Future consideration

Show the amount for tiered pricing

In GOBI when an ebook esupplier uses tiered pricing, rather than displaying the amount, there is a "Tiered" link in its place. Please show the amount; there could be a different way to indicate that the amount displayed comes from a tiered pricing...
Julie Gaida almost 2 years ago in User Interface 0 Future consideration

Ability to select titles and give total cost in Select Cart before ordering

We currently have the ability to select 1, 3, and Unlimited versions of ebooks from different vendors. It would be great to be able to calculate the cost of these in the Select Cart before we order them. This would help the workflow greatly, espec...
PG almost 2 years ago in Acquisition Workflow / User Interface 0 Future consideration

Additional filters in personal folders

After moving a title into the Select Cart and ordering, a slip will still remain in my folder. I don't want it deleted right away, so that's ok. Once it's ordered and invoiced, the slip will say "Shipped" and I'll have a lot of those left in the f...
PG almost 2 years ago in User Interface 0 Future consideration

Full text search of eBooks available to find the titles students need

I have often been looking for eBooks containing a particular concept and will not find a title using the currently limited search. I have needed to go to Google Books, search full text there, and then come back to see if the eBooks found are avail...
Guest over 1 year ago in Selection Workflow / User Interface 3 Future consideration

Customer Service email automatically populated.

Since new protocols have been established for contacting customer service, have the customer service email automatically populated in the contact field.
Guest almost 2 years ago in  Administrative and User Account Controls / User Interface 0 Future consideration

Add publisher limiter to the left side bar in search results from the basic search.

I would like to be able to limit large result sets to publisher.
Mary Ann Jones over 2 years ago in User Interface 0 Future consideration

Add "Frequency" field in GOBI Continuations Bib records

There is no frequency metadata field in the GOBI bib records when you do a "Library Continuations" search (quarterly, annual, biennial, semiannual, etc.). Is there any way to make this data appear in GOBI Contins bibs in the future? Other book ven...
Guest about 1 year ago in User Interface 0 Future consideration

Default Ebook Setting

Our library is digital first so would appreciate a default setting to avoid having to filter to ebook for every title search.
Guest about 1 year ago in Acquisition Workflow / User Interface 0 Future consideration